

Access the Assisted Telehealth Platform-ATP™ for Physicians Certified Telehealth Medical Assistant – CTMA Network

Research & Studies


Dr. Sarah M is a specialist in cardiology, based in a bustling metropolitan city. However, many of her patients hail from rural communities located several hours away. These patients often face challenges accessing specialized medical services, as the closest specialized care clinic is in Dr. M’s city. Many of these patients are elderly or lack transportation, making regular in-person visits arduous, expensive, and sometimes impossible. They sometimes resort to local general practitioners who may not have the tools or specialized expertise needed for comprehensive cardiological care.


Mr. John W, a 70-year-old retired farmer, is one of Dr. Sarah M ‘s patients. He has a history of congestive heart failure and needs regular monitoring. Traveling to Dr. Sarah M ‘s clinic is a strain for him due to the distance and his physical condition.

One day, Mr. W notices he’s been feeling more fatigued than usual and has occasional palpitations. He remembers reading an article about such symptoms needing a cardiological evaluation. Instead of traveling all the way to the city or resorting to a local clinic with limited cardiology expertise, he decides to consult a specialist via the Assisted Telehealth Platform.


  1. Scheduling & Notification: Mr. W books a telehealth appointment through the platform. Dr. M gets a notification about the scheduled visit.
  2. Visit Preparation: A Certified Telehealth Medical Assistant (CTMA) is dispatched to Mr. W’s home with the Assisted Telehealth Platform-ATP™ which includes web-enabled tools typical of a cardiology clinic, such as an ECG, blood pressure monitor, and a stethoscope with remote listening capabilities.
  3. Assessment: With guidance from Dr. M over the video call, the CTMA collects ECG readings. Real-time data from the ECG is transmitted directly to Dr. M, who interprets the findings immediately.
  4. Physical Examination: Using the platform’s tools, Dr. M instructs the CTMA to listen to Mr. Walters’ heart and lung sounds, check peripheral edema, and measure his blood pressure. The data and sounds are transmitted in real-time to Dr. M.
  5. Diagnosis & Recommendations: Based on the immediate results, Dr. M can confidently diagnose the cause of Mr. W’s symptoms. She provides him with guidance, adjusts his medication, and recommends some lifestyle changes.
  6. Follow-Up: The platform allows Dr. M to schedule automated reminders for Mr. W about medication, upcoming appointments, or monitoring requirements.


  1. Mr. W receives prompt, expert care without the need for strenuous travel.
  2. Dr. Dr. M can provide specialized care remotely, ensuring accurate diagnosis and timely intervention.
  3. The system saves costs for both the patient and the healthcare system by preventing potential hospital admissions and optimizing resource allocation.

Benefits for Physicians:

  1. Expansion of Patient Base: Physicians can now cater to a larger demographic, especially from remote or underserved areas.
  2. Efficiency: The real-time data transmission allows for immediate diagnosis, reducing turnaround times and improving patient outcomes.
  3. Enhanced Care: With the hybrid model, physicians no longer have to compromise on the quality of assessments they can make remotely.
  4. Cost-Effective: This model can potentially reduce the overhead costs of maintaining large clinic spaces and resources.

In this use case, the Assisted Telehealth Platform proves invaluable in bridging the gap between specialized care and accessibility, ensuring that no patient is left behind due to geographical or logistical constraints.


Dr. Amelia T is an internal medicine physician in a densely populated urban setting, offering Concierge Medicine services. Her clientele includes busy professionals, entrepreneurs, and other high-net-worth individuals who value personalized medical care, privacy, and efficiency. These patients expect on-demand services, quick access to their physician, and a premium healthcare experience.


Mrs. Eleanor G, a 52-year-old CEO of a tech company, is one of Dr. T’s concierge patients. Eleanor’s hectic schedule, frequent business travels, and high-pressure lifestyle make it difficult for her to visit Dr. T’s clinic, even though it’s located in the same city. One evening after a long board meeting, Eleanor feels unusually fatigued, experiences dizziness, and is concerned about her escalating stress levels.

Rather than waiting for a suitable time in her calendar for an in-person clinic visit, Eleanor opts for an Assisted Telehealth consultation through Dr. T’s Concierge Medicine offering.


  1. Instant Access: As a concierge patient, Eleanor directly messages Dr. T about her symptoms using the Assisted Telehealth Platform’s secure messaging system.
  2. Immediate Response: Given the premium nature of Concierge Medicine, Dr. T swiftly responds and suggests an immediate telehealth session.
  3. Assisted Examination: Dr. T dispatches a Certified Telehealth Medical Assistant (CTMA) to Eleanor’s office. The TMA comes equipped with the platform’s web-enabled diagnostic tools, ensuring a thorough examination.
  4. Real-time Examination: Under Dr. T’s remote supervision, the CTMA conducts a set of tests including blood pressure measurement, heart rate monitoring, and stress tests. The real-time data, including visual and auditory findings, gets transmitted directly to Dr. T.
  5. Confidential Consultation: Post-examination, Dr. T and Eleanor engage in a private video consultation. Dr. T provides an assessment, addressing both physiological and potential stress-related concerns.
  6. Customized Recommendations: Beyond medical advice, Dr. T prescribes a tailored plan including dietary adjustments, relaxation techniques, and possible referrals to specialists like nutritionists or therapists. She also schedules a follow-up to monitor Eleanor’s well-being.


  1. Eleanor receives immediate, comprehensive care without disruption to her tight schedule.
  2. Dr. T leverages technology to deliver the personalized, efficient service synonymous with Concierge Medicine.
  3. The blend of tech and touch reinforces the exclusivity and premium quality of Dr. T’s services, solidifying patient loyalty and satisfaction.

Benefits for Concierge Medicine Physicians:

  1. Elevated Service Level: the Assisted Telehealth Platform-ATP™ allows physicians to raise their service standards, strengthening their value proposition in a competitive market.
  2. Flexibility & Accessibility: This hybrid model ensures patients have access to top-tier medical services anytime, anywhere.
  3. Holistic Approach: The ability to provide on-the-spot diagnostics and consultations allows for a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s well-being, both physically and mentally.
  4. Increased Revenue Potential: As patients experience the convenience and efficiency of Assisted Telehealth, they’re more likely to continue with, or opt for, premium Concierge Medicine services.

This use case underlines how the Assisted Telehealth Platform-ATP™ and CTMA Netowrk can seamlessly integrate with Concierge Medicine, providing the affluent and time-pressed urban clientele with unparalleled medical care that fits their lifestyles.


Direct Primary Care (DPC) represents a model where physicians and patients engage directly, bypassing insurance and focusing on personalized, patient-centered care. Dr. Sophia M. operates a successful DPC practice with a sizeable patient roster. She values providing personalized, unhurried care but occasionally faces challenges in meeting patients in their homes or accommodating their schedules, especially those who are elderly, disabled, or distant.


Mr. Liam R., a 45-year-old software developer, has been a devoted patient of Dr. Sophia M.’s DPC practice for several years. Residing alone in a countryside home and occasionally facing challenges due to a demanding work schedule, visiting Dr. Sophia M. for his regular health evaluations and consultations becomes a logistical concern.

Instead of the travel challenges for Mr. Liam R. or a home visit by Dr. Sophia M., they opt for the Assisted Telehealth Platform, ensuring continuous, comprehensive care.


  • Scheduling Flexibility: Mr. Liam R. arranges a telehealth appointment via the platform, confident in receiving the quality care he’s used to with Dr. Sophia M.
  • Home-Based Assistance: A member from the CTMA Network visits Mr. Liam R., equipped with the platform’s advanced diagnostic tools, replicating the in-clinic experience.
  • Real-Time Connection: Dr. Sophia M. connects remotely. Following her lead, the CTMA Network member conducts a thorough examination, addressing Mr. Liam R.’s health queries and ensuring proper evaluations.
  • Holistic Consultation: Via a high-definition video call, Dr. Sophia M. evaluates the data, discusses health progress with Mr. Liam R., and provides guidance on maintaining optimal health.
  • Continued Care Coordination: The session’s data is securely saved on the platform, enabling Dr. Sophia M. to monitor health trends and make informed decisions in future consultations.
  • Follow-Up & Monitoring: Automated reminders regarding medications, exercises, and upcoming appointments are dispatched by the platform.


  • Mr. Liam R. enjoys the direct, personalized care that DPC offers without the difficulties of commuting or rearranging his work schedule.
  • Dr. Sophia M. serves her patients efficiently, emphasizing the DPC commitment to detailed, customized medical care.

Benefits for DPC Groups:

  • Upholding DPC Values: The Assisted Telehealth approach amplifies DPC’s foundational values – direct, patient-centric care, sidestepping distance or logistical obstacles.
  • Operational Efficiency: Doctors can assist more patients daily without diluting care quality.
  • Wider Reach: DPC providers can broaden their clientele, encompassing those who appreciate DPC but face logistical challenges.
  • Enhanced Patient Experience: The blended model of in-person CTMA Network support and instant remote consultations guarantees patients retain the “human touch” in their healthcare journey.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Minimizing regular in-person visits can decrease overheads related to clinic-based care.

This use case showcases how the Assisted Telehealth Platform and the CTMA Network together elevate the inherent strengths of the Direct Primary Care model, combining technological efficiency with human touch to ensure exceptional patient care.



Dr. Adrian L. is a Primary Care Physician (PCP) in a growing suburban neighborhood. His practice is a testament to the burgeoning demand for primary care, as appointment slots get booked out months in advance. While most of his patients secure their annual check-ups, there’s an evident gap when they need to address minor concerns in the interim. Adrian’s goal is to provide regular touchpoints for his patients, ensuring consistent care without burdening his schedule.


Sarah W., a 38-year-old librarian and mother of twin girls, is one of Adrian’s patients. With the hustle of work, motherhood, and personal health, attending to her health often takes a back seat. Just a few months after her last check-up, Sarah begins to face recurrent headaches coupled with unusual fatigue.

Instead of pushing it to her next scheduled appointment or opting for a different clinic, Sarah uses the Assisted Telehealth Platform, an innovative service provided by Dr. Adrian L.’s practice.


  1. Prompt Booking: Sarah schedules a telehealth consultation on the platform. Given her non-emergency symptoms, she is paired with an on-staff Nurse Practitioner for a session the next day.
  2. At-Home Check: A Certified Telehealth Medical Assistant (CTMA), Thomas B., visits Sarah. Equipped with the platform’s diagnostic tools, Thomas aids in a thorough evaluation.
  3. Remote Dialogue: The Nurse Practitioner, Emily P., oversees the consultation, instructing Thomas B. in the required physical checks. Vital data, from Sarah’s heart rate to oxygen levels, is transmitted synchronously.
  4. Evaluation & Guidance: After a comprehensive discussion, Emily suggests dietary adjustments and certain relaxation exercises for Sarah. Additionally, a routine blood test is scheduled.
  5. Seamless Continuity: All findings are systematically recorded on the platform, making it easy for Dr. Adrian L. to review and monitor Sarah’s health trajectory.
  6. Routine Follow-Up: A couple of weeks later, an automated reminder on the platform nudges Sarah to provide a health update. She notes a significant improvement, and her blood test results confirm her wellness.


  • Sarah receives timely, efficient care without unnecessary delays or disruptions.
  • Dr. Adrian L. maintains his promise of regular, comprehensive care, even during peak times.
  • Addressing health concerns promptly may prevent more serious issues in the future.

Benefits for PCPs:

  • Boosted Patient Trust: Offering timely and flexible services enhances patient loyalty.
  • Optimized Resource Use: Utilizing Nurse Practitioners for non-urgent cases lets PCPs focus on more intricate health scenarios.
  • Consistent Monitoring: This model encourages regular health touchpoints, resulting in improved health management.
  • Revenue Enhancement: This supplemental service offers a potential boost in revenue streams for practices.

This use case showcases the robust capabilities of the Assisted Telehealth Platform and CTMA Network, underscoring its transformative impact in addressing care gaps and empowering PCPs like Dr. Adrian L. to deliver consistent, top-notch care.